vrijdag 10 juli 2015

Last stage

Yesterday afternoon and tonight I had the most severe thunderstorm ever, whilst staying in my tent. After 33 years it proved not to be 100% water-resisting. But definitively still enough, to have some sleep at least. 
From Brasov this morning I took the 'alternative' road to Ploiesti. Had to cross a pass of 1270m. But the track was fairly easy. So I arrived finally already pretty close to the AirPort. Just some 3 hours left for tomorrow. Yet my flight is at 18.00h. 
Checked in in a somewhat run down motel. But they have balconies. An opportunaty to dry out all my wet stuff!

donderdag 9 juli 2015

Nomadic Village

Ending my pilgrimage from Medjugorje to Csiksomlyo/Miercurea Ciuc meant staying some days in the Nomadic Village itself, as they were hosting my project, so to say. 
So after a first encounter with Tina and Klaus in Sighisoara, I set up my tent for the last few days in the 'village' now based on the hills just outside of Brasov. And here we found time and space to share our thoughts on Nomadism, creativity, art-projects and other smaller issues that can occur in our lives. 
For me it was a time to rest a bit phisically, but at the same time my head and heart continued full speed developing new ideas for art-works and collecting some basic materials for them as well. 
And now that I'm almoast at the end of the line here, I must say that I'm also looking forward returning to my studio and completing my contribution to the Nomadic Village in a different way, by making pieces for their Gallery Nowhere. Allthough the track up to here -espescially at first- felt quite rough by times, arriving on these hills in Romania and settling in in the Village feels indeed as Klaus said: "Home sweet home!"

zondag 5 juli 2015

Csiksomlyo/Miercurea Ciuc

Finally today I made it to the sacred place at the holy church in Csiksomlyo/Miercurea Ciuc. An area in central Romania that seems completely Hungarian, orogin of the Székler people, etnically not Hungarians but since they moved in centuries ago in Hungarian territory, it has become their mother tongue. As my father quotes a book on Hungarian history: the Székler made part of "den Kriegsdienst leistenden östlichen Gruppen"; that they "von jeher ungarisch sprachen, ihre Sonderstellung und türkische Gesellschaftsstruktur bis in die Neuzeit hinein bewahrten." And the tolerant attitude of the Hungarian state towards them was "im wesentlichen das Erbe der Reiternomadenkultur" 
In WO II Nazi Germany returned this part of Transsylvania to Hungary. 

And thus ending my 'official' contribution to the 'Nomadic village' project. But this is of course merely a beginning. Now I have to start to work out all the rough material I have. Edit all the footage I took. And turn it into something nice and interesting!
It was a fascinating, sometimes extensive and sometimes overwhelming trip. Some 1500 km from Medjugorje to here in 13,5 days. Making it an average of 111 km a day. Regardless the roads or the terrain. 
But the trip is not completely over yet as the plan is to rejoin the core-group of 'Nomadic Village' tomorrow at Brasov and continue to exchange concepts and working plans. As we started out yesterday in Sighisoara. 

zaterdag 4 juli 2015


After two days of very extensive cycling I arrived yesterday at the beatiful town of Sighisoara. Which belongs obvious to the world heritage. But also the road up to here was very beautiful first the stunning Transfăgărășan with 25 km of hair pin curves. And later all the nice small villages of Transsylvania I cycled through. 
Finally caught up this morning with Klaus an Tina from the 'Nomadic Village' group.